Install Passbolt on SLES 15 SP6
For this tutorial, you will need:
- A minimal SLES 15 SP6 server.
- A domain / host name pointing to your server, or at least being able to reach your server through a static IP address.
- A working SMTP server for email notifications
- A working NTP service to avoid GPG authentication issues
The recommended server requirements are:
- 2 cores
- 2GB of RAM
FAQ pages:
It is important that you use a vanilla server with no other services or tools already installed on it. The install scripts could potentially damage any existing data on your server.
If you are going to manually provision SSL certificates you may want to do that before beginning!
Package repository setup
For easier installation and update tasks Passbolt provides a package repository that you need to setup before you download Passbolt CE and install it.
Step 1. Download our dependencies installation script:
curl -LO
Step 2. Download our SHA512SUM for the installation script:
curl -LO
Step 3. Ensure that the script is valid and execute it:
sha512sum -c passbolt-ce-SHA512SUM.txt && sudo bash ./ || echo "Bad checksum. Aborting" && rm -f
Install passbolt official linux package
sudo zypper install passbolt-ce-server
Importing GPG key 0xC155581D:
Userid : "Passbolt SA package signing key [email protected]"
Fingerprint: 3D1A 0346 C8E1 802F 774A EF21 DE8B 853F C155 581D
From :
Repository: Passbolt Server
Key Fingerprint: 3D1A 0346 C8E1 802F 774A EF21 DE8B 853F C155 581D
Key Name: Passbolt SA package signing key <[email protected]>
Key Algorithm: RSA 2048
If the fingerprint matches, trust always by answering a to this question:
Do you want to reject the key, trust temporarily, or trust always? [r/t/a/?] (r):
Then, you will be asked for PHP repository GPG key, ensure the fingerprint is correct and trust it always:
Repository: php
Key Fingerprint: 55CF 98B4 BB5B C6CC 2E24 748F 82EE 4011 CBCA 8BB5
Key Name: devel:languages:php OBS Project <devel:languages:[email protected]>
Key Algorithm: DSA 1024
Finally, verify and trust OpenSUSE PHP extensions repository GPG key:
Repository: php-extensions-x86_64
Key Fingerprint: A85C D7EF 5242 1152 9A7F 994A 9B41 A048 1AF1 B065
Key Name: server:php:extensions OBS Project <server:php:[email protected]>
Key Algorithm: RSA 2048
MariaDB / Nginx / SSL settings
Passbolt CE RPM package on SLES 15 SP6 come with a configuration helper tool to prepare MariaDB, Nginx and SSL settings.
You must prepare beforehand your SSL certificates before launching the tool. Be sure to write down the full path to your cert/key combo, as it will be needed in the nginx configuration process.
Please, notice that for security matters we highly recommend to setup SSL to serve passbolt.
Launch passbolt-configure
tool and answer to the questions:
sudo /usr/local/bin/passbolt-configure
Do you want to configure a local mariadb server on this machine?
1) yes
2) no
Answer 1 for yes if you want to configure a local MariaDB database, otherwise 2 for no if you plan to use an existing one.
If you chose yes, answer the questions:
Please enter a new password for the root database user:
MariaDB Root Password: ****
MariaDB Root Password (verify): ****
Please enter a name for the passbolt database username
Passbolt database user name:passboltuser
Please enter a new password for the mysql passbolt user
MariaDB passbolt user password: ****
MariaDB passbolt user password (verify): ****
Please enter a name for the passbolt database:
Passbolt database name:passboltdb