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Preparing for Passbolt v5: PHP 8.2 Requirement

5 min. read

Max Zanardo

Max Zanardo

11 March, 2025

With the imminent release of passbolt v5 in mid-April, we are making some important changes to our minimum PHP requirements. This post explains what is changing, why it matters, and how to prepare your systems.

What's changing?

Passbolt v5 will require PHP 8.2 or higher. This is a significant change from our current minimum requirement of PHP 7.4.

Why are we making this change?

We're committed to continuously keeping passbolt secure, reliable, and up-to-date with modern product development practices. Accordingly, here is why this change is necessary:

  • Security first: PHP 7.4 reached its end-of-life (EOL) in 2022. Using unsupported EOL versions means relying on software in your passbolt stack that no longer receives security patches or bug fixes—posing a significant risk for a security-focused product like passbolt.
  • Modern foundation: Passbolt v5 is built on CakePHP 5, which has deprecated support for PHP 7.4. This framework update brings performance improvements and new features that benefit all passbolt users.
  • Breaking changes: Major version releases, such as passbolt v5, are the appropriate moment to introduce breaking changes and update an application’s dependencies. This ensures passbolt continues to evolve and improve.

Who is affected?

If you're running passbolt on a system with PHP 8.2 or higher, you will be ready for the v5 update when it arrives. If you're on an older PHP version, you'll need to upgrade before migrating to passbolt v5.

Here is a quick reference of common distributions and their default PHP versions, plus the respective migration strategy which we recommend:

Fig. Common distributions and their default PHP versions
Fig. Common distributions and their default PHP versions

How to prepare?

Based on your current setup, you have the following options to move forward:

The recommended approach for most environments is to migrate to a new server running a distribution that supports PHP 8.2 by default. This provides the cleanest upgrade path and minimizes potential issues.

For detailed migration instructions, we've prepared comprehensive guides on our help site: Server Migration Documentation.

2. Stay on passbolt v4

If you are unable to upgrade immediately, you can continue using passbolt v4 while planning your migration. Client compatibility with v4 will be maintained until v6, giving administrators ample time to migrate at their own pace. This means that future versions of the browser extensions, mobile and desktop apps, and the CLI will remain compatible with passbolt v4 until the release of v6.

3. Update existing stack

For experienced administrators, you can choose to keep your current installation and proceed as follows:

  1. Upgrade your OS: Perform an operating system upgrade to a version that supports at least PHP 8.2. While technically possible, this approach can be error-prone and isn not recommended for production environments without thorough testing.
  2. Upgrade PHP using alternative repositories: Some distributions allow PHP 8.2+ installation through alternative repositories like Ondřej Surý's PPA for Ubuntu/Debian or Remi's RPM repository for RHEL/CentOS. This approach can be complex and should also be tested carefully.

We now provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Remi's RPM repository for RHEL/CentOS and Ondřej Surý's PPA for Ubuntu/Debian to upgrade PHP 8.2 on your existing stack.

Upgrading PHP on RHEL 9/8 and Redhat-like distros using Remi's repository

For RHEL 9 and Redhat like distros users who prefer to update PHP rather than migrate to a new server, here's how to install PHP 8.2 using Remi's repository. If you installed passbolt using our one-liner script, you already are using Remi’s repository. Please before doing anything, make a backup of your instance.

Reset PHP modules and enable PHP 8.2 from Remi:

dnf module reset php -y
dnf module disable php -y
dnf module enable php:remi-8.2 -y

Install or update PHP 8.2 and the extensions needed for passbolt:

dnf install -y php php-cli php-curl php-fpm php-gd php-intl php-json php-mbstring php-mysqlnd php-pecl-gnupg php-pgsql php-process php-xml php-ldap

Verify that PHP 8.2 is now installed:

php -v

You should see output indicating PHP 8.2.x is installed.

Configure PHP-FPM to start automatically and start the service:

systemctl enable php-fpm
systemctl start php-fpm

Restart your web server: 

systemctl restart nginx

Once PHP 8.2 is properly installed and configured, you'll be ready for the passbolt v5 update when it becomes available in April. Remember to back up your database and passbolt configuration before performing any major version upgrade.

Upgrading PHP on Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 using Ondrej's repository

For Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 users who prefer to update PHP rather than migrate to a new server, here's how to install PHP 8.2 using Ondřej Surý's repository:

First, make sure you have a backup of your system prior to the update and let's make now sure your system is up to date: 

sudo apt update 
sudo apt upgrade

Add the GPG key for the Ondřej’s repository:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/php-archive-keyring.gpg

Add the repository to your sources list:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/php-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list

Update package lists with the new repository included:

sudo apt update 

Install PHP 8.2 and the extensions needed for passbolt:

sudo apt install -y php8.2 php8.2-cli php8.2-common php8.2-curl php8.2-fpm php8.2-gd php8.2-intl php8.2-mbstring php8.2-mysql php8.2-opcache php8.2-xml php8.2-gnupg php8.2-pgsql php8.2-ldap

Verify that PHP 8.2 is now installed:

php8.2 -v

Configure the system to use PHP 8.2 as the default PHP version:

sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.2

Verify that PHP 8.2 is now the default version:

php -v

Configure PHP-FPM to start automatically and restart the service:

sudo systemctl enable php8.2-fpm
sudo systemctl start php8.2-fpm

If you're using Nginx, update your configuration to use PHP 8.2-FPM:

# Edit your passbolt nginx configuration
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nginx-passbolt.conf
# Change the PHP-FPM socket path if necessary
# From: fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
# To: fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock;

Test your Nginx configuration:

sudo nginx -t

If the test is successful, restart Nginx:

sudo systemctl restart nginx


Getting help

  • Community Edition users: If you have questions about upgrading to passbolt v5, the community forum is a great place to ask.
  • Pro and Cloud users: If you need assistance with your migration strategy, our support team is here to help, do not hesitate to contact us on our website.

The road ahead

Passbolt v5 marks a significant step forward, with PHP >= 8.2 enabling us to build on a more modern, secure foundation. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing more details about the exciting new features in v5.

By upgrading now, you will be ready to take full advantage of the v5 improvements as soon as they're available. Let's continue building together the most secure platform for teams to collaborate on passwords, secrets and other sensitive data.
