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Celebrating 4,000 Stars: A Look At Passbolt’s Open Source Security Odyssey

5 min. read

Shelby Lee Neubeck

Shelby Lee Neubeck

20 October, 2023

Celebrating 4,000 GitHub Stars

Passbolt is celebrating reaching 4,000 stars on the API repository and it’s all thanks to contributors like you! 

Within the GitHub and the developer community, stars serve as a token of appreciation. Reaching 4,000 stars isn’t just a numerical milestone; it’s a seal of approval recognising passbolt as a reliable and secure password management solution. Beyond these starry numbers lies a diverse, lively community that contributes towards passbolt’s increasing accessibility globally. This article will dive into the statistics of the passbolt API repo.

A Universe Of Gratitude: Thank you!

No celebration of such an achievement is complete without acknowledging the people who made it possible (and announcing you’re going to Disney World – but let’s hold off on that). The real stars of this voyage are the contributors, the community, and the dedicated team who have given their time and expertise to make passbolt what it is today. Each of you is appreciated for providing the support, trust, and feedback that’s invaluable to a growing project. And, of course, thanks to the more than 4,000 of you who took a moment to star the passbolt repo

The Voyage to 4,000 Stars: A Saga of Commits

The voyage to 4,000 stars has been one of unwavering dedication and hard work, not only from the core team but also from valued collaborators. Let’s take a closer look at the voyage through passbolt’s commit history.

A Chronicle of Progress

The commit history reflects more than minor tweaks and adjustments – It tells a story of constant innovation and evolution. Since the beginning of passbolt API development the repository has received over 3.8K commits. This graph shows a steady flow of commits, each one containing improvements, new features, or security enhancements that propel passbolt toward its goal of becoming an even more secure, collaborative, and user-friendly password management platform. 

A World of Contributions: The People Behind The Stars

This milestone is the result of a well-made platform and a reflection of passbolt’s mission to unite a diverse global community. Over the years, nearly 350 individuals from various corners of the world have contributed to passbolt. Explore the diverse tapestry of contributors who’ve helped bring the project to where it is today: 

A global mosaic

As a global team, passbolt naturally boasts a diverse community. The API repo has contributors hailing from over 15 countries. Embracing such diversity ensures that the platform remains inclusive and representative. After all, open source thrives in an environment full of passionate and diverse individuals. 

Thriving Ecosystem of Contributors

Many talented individuals have joined forces to develop passbolt into a go-to team password management platform. Some core contributors like @cedricalfonsi have made over 1,000 commits or written more than 120,000 lines of code like @pabloelcolombiano

Community contributions kicked off in 2016, with a pull request by jsander in 2016 to fix a typo, and it’s continually evolved from there. The most recent pull request from the community was made by Sergei Lomakov. Sergei helped improve database performance – identifying and rectifying duplicate indexes in the actions_logs table. This fix was also one of the most noticeable improvements made by a community member. Explore the top ten contributors to the passbolt API repo: 

An interesting note about the top contributors listed here, is that some of them are from the CakePHP, such as CakePHP maintainer @MarkStory. That’s because CakePHP was initially unavailable as a composer package, leading to the passbolt API repo to start from a fork. While this skews the numbers a bit until 2017, it’s fitting that the Cake Software Foundation gets highlighted here, as the CakePHP framework has been a crucial part of passbolt’s origin story. 

A History of Issues

Passbolt has a great, supportive community that's always more than eager to help. With a dedicated, but small support team, it’s important to keep bugs, feature requests, and support needs in one accessible place that’s friendly to all manners of users. As a result, you may notice some pretty old issues on passbolt’s Github.

For instance, a three year old, recently resolved issue fixing the capitalisation of last names for improved globalisation. And the oldest, still open issue reporting that apostrophes in the MySQL password caused installation to fail. Will you be the one to squash that resilient bug and take all the glory?

More To See: Passbolt’s Other Repo’s

The API repo isn’t the only one buzzing with activity. Passbolt is made up of many components, each open source and easy to find on Github. A few of these repositories are thanks to contributors, such as Samuel Lorch, who created a CLI tool and Go module for passbolt. Everything is there for you to explore, check it out. You can see the progress being made on the passbolt windows desktop app, run passbolt on Kubernetes using the helm chart, see all the code powering the mobile apps for android and ios, and much more. 

Setting A Course Forward: A Vision of The Future

With 4,000 stars and a growing community, passbolt is poised to welcome even more contributions, enhancements, bug fixes, and fortifications. This milestone naturally draws more organisations and individuals to passbolt as a robust and collaborative platform for secret and password management.

Passbolt’s commitment to open source values, unwavering dedication to security, and a culture of collaboration will remain strong. Beyond the stars, this part of the odyssey symbolises the potential and promise of a world that recognises cybersecurity isn’t a privilege, it’s a right. Passbolt will continue to innovate and evolve, making security accessible and robust for individuals and teams of all sizes. 

Join The Odyssey: An Open Invitation

If this saga has inspired you, know that there’s always an open invitation for you to join the project. Whether you’re a developer, security enthusiast, or part of an organisation, there’s a place for everyone in the passbolt community. Join the forum, explore how you can contribute code, learn about improving passbolt’s translations, and support passbolt’s quest to reach its next GitHub milestone by asking your friends (and everyone you know) to star the repo

Thank you for being a part of passbolt’s incredible journey! 
